Previous Episode: S2, Ep. 12: Antacids

Welcome Whats The Matter With Me? Season 2, Episode 13: It's Fall

... when they came to get the doctor, right away something was different. It was my first time working with a disabled care provider. It was great. I thought that was great and I told her so. I said, "Hey man, it's cool what you're doing. It's cool to see someone disabled as a care provider. I really like it." She had a disability you could see right away looking at her. It made her work more complicated, but she had hacks and workarounds just like I do, except she sat in the doctor's chair.

My hand is really useless. It's it's in a claw most of the time sometimes my thumb goes under my index finger. At night when I'm sleeping and I wake up at 4 in the morning is the best time but I'm at Cross purposes there because it's also the best time for being asleep.

Begin Transcript

JOHN HOPPIN: Welcome to What's the Matter With Me? podcast Season two episode 13, It's Fall.

My name is John. I'm 39 years old, husband and father of two, small business owner, radio DJ, podcaster. And I have multiple sclerosis so I made this podcast to share what I'm going through.

What's The Matter With Me? Is an MS podcast and it's also about other things. I'm not a medical professional and you should not take this for medical advice. If you need medical advice, ask your health care provider. Got that? There's no advice here. Nothing is going to help you. All right, enough of that. Something may help you. Something may help you. Mixed messages here on What's The Matter With Me?

Recap last episode, episode 12. I was talking about antacids. I had a major issue, where I'd want to jump off a bridge and then I took an antacid. I felt better. My phone kept answering, what does my dad look like? And I was just trying to find out what my day looked like. And it was constantly giving me pictures of my dad or what it thought my dad might look like and none of which look anything like my dad.

All right, so shouts to Rocky, shout outs to Rocky. Shout outs to Patrick, thanks for listening. Don't forget to write me via the contact page because it's a Hoppin world. I will give you a shout out even if it's just to Patrick and Rocky over and over again forever. Shout out y'all.

Nat, I dig your paintings. We should do a trade. I mean, I have some paintings I made. Want to trade me? Email me via the contact page. I'll give you a shout out mostly free of charge.

I tripped and fell. I haven't been talking about that very much but I tripped and fell in this brutal way. I was in my living room and I have a rug there, there's kind of a little tight spot to get in it and I tripped right around there and I fell and I hit the back of my head on the corner of the wall. And man, that hurt and it made this loud cracking sound. I thought I might die. I thought it was curtains. It was tough. It made a big lump on my head. I fell and hit just the worst. That's always, I'm usually lucky but this time I just nailed it, back of the head on the corner of the wall, the corner of the wall near the floor, so it just didn't give at all. It just was like crack on my head and I'm okay.

But man, that hurt and it was a brutal fall. It might be the most brutal. Last season remember I fell and got my hair and my head and I got scalped by the house. That was tough. This is competing with that. For a couple of days, I had a big lump on the back of my head. It's pretty cool now, I think everything's back to normal. There was no brains leaking out luckily. And I seem just as much brain as I used to, so that's my clinical diagnosis. I have as much brain as I used to. Man, it was a gruesome fall.

Fall is here. We made some butternut squash and risotto last week for the family. People like that. I tripped and fell in the middle of the yard when I was watering, still got to water, even though it's fall. I had to get to the chair in the corner to stand up again,