Previous Episode: Knorks

Getting outdoors, not rinsing the dishes, antibody test results, and staying simple in the kitchen

Whether or not to rinse the dishes

NY Times Disabled hikers article about Disabled Hikers' guides & the GRIT chair. Contacted them and asked if it would work for one arm

Went to get tested for antibody response and I got the results back and it seems like I don't have very many antibodies. I sent it to my MS doctor and asked her what it meant

I marinated chicken legs with sumac and za'atar from Ottolenghi. Lots of spice, but more complicated than yogurt and hot sauce. I've got to stop using recipes

I could have done Hoppin Hot Sauce and yogurt and it would've been fine, and easier

Sent a sauce sample to San Leandro Times with a letter and a copy of the newsletter

Signed the kids up for baseball, AA and t-ball

I want to join KALX in the summer

JOHN HOPPIN: Yo, check 1-2, 1-2, 1-2. Yo, check 2-1.

What's The Matter With Me? in the building. Yeah. What's The Matter With Me? back in here going to tell you whether or not to rinse the dishes. I went to get tested for antibody responses and I cooked some chicken with sumac and za'atar. I sent a sample of Hoppin Hot Sauce to San Leandro Times with a handwritten letter, man. You know me- I wrote them a handwritten letter on my crazy handwriting and a copy of the newsletter. Of course, right now playing the jingle. (Singing). All right, the jingle. That's your source.

I signed the kids up for baseball.

I want to join KALX. Disabled hiker's guides and the GRIT chair, getting outside in the wheelchair. I read a cool article in the New York Times called "'I Wanted That Self Reliance Back': Disabled Hikers Forge a New Path," by Amanda Morris, February 3rd, 2022. Outdoor enthusiasts with disabilities are pushing to encounter nature on their own terms with self written guides, better equipment, and even guide dogs trained for the back country. Cool article about disabled people. Some of them with MS trying to get outside.

You might remember last year in August, I went on vacation and it was an accessible vacation with paved paths.

I went on plenty of dirt paths and it was more or less accessible. It wasn't perfect, the house, the shower in the house, I got trapped in it one time and things weren't quite right. I couldn't get out of it. The way you had to get out of the shower was over this big cement lip. They were kind of really flimsy shower doors and nothing to hold on to. I couldn't get over this lip. I tried, but I almost ate it big time in the shower, had to sit in the shower for half an hour to get out. Until Nami got me, came back in the house. She was outside in the pool. That was the cool thing about the house. I got in the pool with the family. I was able to swim with my kids and just be in… Not really swim, but be in the pool and play with them. They loved it.

And it was Sequoyah National Park. I went around the trail. Some of them, they were too steep and my chair was sliding around on the trail and it scared my wife and I. I was trying to get through it. My wife was like, "What the hell are you doing?" And it was hard. That wasn't great. But then there were other times where it was like, pull up. My chair was working. (The ground) was flat, but my chair has little plastic wheels in the front that are two inches, three inches, small wheels. It can't really do off road. It can do flat, but it can't do sand or gravel that's too big, which is most gravel. Most gravel is gravel and it can't do gravel.

So, I had this kind of checkered vacation. Yeah. I wrote when I was going on it, I said, it's an accessible vacation. All the attractions have paved paths and we're staying in a place with pool and AC and I'm cautiously optimistic. That was the episode, "Vacation," that came out last year, August 2nd. That was the first episode where I was like, "Wait, I can be a cult leader.