Previous Episode: Burnin’
Next Episode: Disability and Obscenity

Welcome to “Five Nights of Sweating” on the What’s The Matter With Me? Podcast

A fever that doesn't seem to want to go away; new music around the house; some terrible food. Maybe we can make the time pass quicker if we go to a grind core festival.

Is not wanted

I've got a fever that kept coming back


What's The Matter With Me? Podcast is sponsored by Hoppin Hot Sauce-- it's the best sauce in the world! hoppin hot sauce is on amazon so anyone can eat it with hash browns and and English muffin-egg sandwiches with or without cheese but definitely with Hoppin Hot Sauce

Feeling feverish

For the first 3 nights it was up around 102-103 F

In addition to Tylenol, I started taking Advil as a fever reducer, then I woke up covered in sweat with a normal temperature

Then the next day it would began again

I had an epiphany to drink Gatorade

Catching up with Sonny

Sonny Rollins has got a mohawk, where i'm at in Saxophone Colossus

At his shows, he came out with the cowboy hat, then he would take that off and had the mohawk underneath

Burnin' Up

I sweat through the sheets for the 4th night in a row

Disgusting: I smelled like a case of unwashed grapefruit with a sour whiff of spoilage or maybe more than that

As if someone left me in the back hall, not in the fridge. by the dumpster near some unnamed liquid.

I need a clean up

New Music

New music rundown this week is pretty much from bandcamp bc that's the only place I have been able to access recently

Fake Fruit

Terry Jennings

Nine Dog Dick

Dhol Tasha Sound System

On the fifth night

I sweat through the bed on the fifth night and woke up drenched yet again


In frustration at not being able to cook for myself, I took the reins at dinner

I ended up making fried gnocchi with spinach, Garlic, tomato, cream, a can of sardines

It could have used acid like lemon juice or vinegar to offset the tinned fish. There was a lot of cream though

It was terrible. the kids wouldn't eat it.

I thought to myself, "It is making your nails stronger and increasing your hair's tensile ability"

Made it through

On the sixth night the fever evaporated and I woke up mostly dry

Grind core for the whole family

Gilman is hosting the Fast, Wierd and Freaky Festival this weekend

It's all ages

I might still be a little too tired plus John John is maybe not ready

Maybe he's not even ready to hear the band lineup read aloud

Dad Butt Dials Me

Dad is butt dialing me again

We watched John Voight & Jane Fonda in Coming Home

This Week's Selfie

After Five Nights Of Sweating