Previous Episode: Doors Of Perception

In this episode I battle face pain to go to a birthday dinner, take a family train trip, and have a date at the movies.

Welcome to the What's The Matter With Me? Podcast Season 6, Episode 30, "Birthday Dinner."

In this episode I battle face pain with varying levels of success to go to a birthday dinner at Trader Vic's, take a family trip to the Embarcadero, and have a date at the movie theater.

Shout outs

Shout outs to Jersey Girl who used to work with Judy Huemann

Birthday Dinner at Trader Vic's

Friends birthday dinner at trader vics

Made a friend who owns a bar

Flying for wheelchair users nytimes

Dropped off my espresso machine in Berkeley

I didn't go inside

Skate Spot

Rode the BART to Embarcadero to watch kids skate off the stairs

Market street Elevators

I was wearing my "SECURITY" t-shirt- from my Halloween costume. Lady came up asking me to defuse a situation with a guy on the escalator. I was in my wheelchair SMH

Holy shirt

Movie Date

I went to see Inu-oh and fell asleep

My face was hurting so i couldn't go to lunch after and talk about it and we had to go back home

I worried about masks but We were the only ones at the 11am show

I showered shaved and wore a collared shirt

Old Millenials

The oldest millennials are entering their 40s

my cousin is in town and i wanted to call her but my face hurt when i talked so i gave up

i got fed up and called her anyways

in a few days we're having her over for dinner

it hurt to talk to her but only once or twice and it was worth it

its a real bummer when disability intrudes on your ability to talk to your cousin

This Week's Selfie:

My webcam broke so I used my phone