What's pissing YOU off Wednesday 3/3/2021

Here are the people and their suggested rants for this episode of the McTaggart Attack Podcast:

Lesley Zebrowitz
People who stop in the middle of the road. To chat. To figure out where they are going. Any of that. This is why there are parking lots and neighborhoods and stuff.

Dee Kraft
People who walk right across traffic just staring at their phone, as if it make them invincible.

Shelby Mc Donnell
Why is autocorrect afraid of the word “loves”? It changes it to “lives” on my phone. So weird.

Tika Elder
"Gender neutral" Mr. Potato Head...

@FTondalo (Twitter)
The friggin' malcontents not giving Biden the fuckin' benefit of the doubt since he has only been in office for 50 friggin days!!! Stop eating your own America, that's how Trump was possible! LEARN from your stupid mistakes already!!!!!!

@theANTIQUEcrank (Twitter)
Everyone thinking american pickers is a reality show -when it's actually it's a sitcom featuring 2 clowns & a tattooed lady.

@Ashcrack4 (Twitter)
What pisses ME off is that nurses ALWAYS work short and we never have enough time to give adequate care to our patients. They need to pass a law on how many patients per Nurse is legal already. It’s a thankless job 



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