I spend this episode of the McTaggart Attack Podcast answering questions from Facebook!

Here are the questions and the people who asked them!

Lesley Zebrowitz
Why do I have so much trouble choosing what to eat at a Mexican restaurant? Taco, burrito, chalupa, it's all the same thing just rolled into different shapes

Why is it They want you to have 10 different passwords but lock you out after 3 wrong attempts.

Lesley Zebrowitz
Why do people say they didn't get your text (or phone call), but use that device to call (or text)?

Steven Sheppard
Why do people keep on trying to solve the problem who came first the chicken or the egg

Jason Marby
How come my bank want to know what my “Personal” loan is for?

Peter Pardoe
Why can you buy sex toys on eBay but not doctor Seuss books?



Email: [email protected]

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