In Season 3, episode 9 of What's Killing My Kale, Natalie talked to Dr. Paulo Pagliari, an associate professor of soil science at the University of Minnesota, about nutrient management in wet soils. 

Though this spring has been relatively dry, our climate is becoming wetter overall, and we may still see heavy rainfall and flooding this season. In preparation, we interviewed Paulo to learn about best practices. Much of the information in this episode is also relevant for normal conditions in addition to flooding conditions.

In this episode we discussed:

Image: Anne Sawyer

Best practices for split applications and when to apply different fertilizer sources
How to respond if you suspect that a heavy rainfall or flooding event resulted in nitrogen leaching
Foliar testing
Best practices for manure applications to prevent leaching
How to adapt your nutrient management practices in reduced tillage systems

Click here to download and listen to the episode directly. You can also listen to all of our episodes on Apple Podcasts.