When Zi Khai first moved from China to America, he and his mother lived in Kentucky to help with the family restaurant. Zi Khai was only twelve years old at the time and quickly learned that life can be difficult in a new place when you don’t know all of the rules. In this episode, Zi Khai shares the three lessons he learned during his experience living as an immigrant in Kentucky.

Special Thanks to: Zi Khai for sharing his story. Everyone at Manhattan International High School, especially Ms. Susan and Ms. Cinzia. Dana Lea at Kentucky Refugee Ministry and Bluegrass Refugee Voices. Chris McLeod for producing the show and for creating the theme song for the series. Murray Nossel, the executive producer of the show, for the series concept and guidance along the way. Kerrianne Thomas Artist Caitlin Watkins for the episode illustration. What's Happening Here is a production from The Listening Booth.