This week Ariel and Bryan recap Thanksgiving! Later they move on to their Eat of the Week, and they ate a lot. After that there’s a Food Fight over pie and as always we close with some Food News. Be sure to get tickets to the What’s Eating You? LIVE show right here:

What’s Eating You? Instagram: @whatseatingyoupod, Twitter: @whatseatingupod

Ariel’s Instagram: @arielleaty, Twitter: @arielleaty,

Bryan’s Instagram: @bryanlyang, Twitter: @bryanyang,

What’s Eating You? is presented in partnership with Listening Party inside Canal Street Radio. Follow the crew on Instagram @listeningpartypresents and @canalstreetmarket.

Cover art by Alex Ryu, Instagram: @mralexryu, Twitter: @mralexryu

Music by Nick Trautmann, Instagram: @thetrautinator, Twitter: @thetrautinator,