Give thanks! Listen to this very special BONUS episode of the pod from the archives. This very special Thanksgiving episode was recorded all the way back in November of 2018 and it was never released. Thank the good lord you can listen to it now!

What’s Eating You? Instagram: @whatseatingyoupod, Twitter: @whatseatingupod

Ariel’s Instagram: @arielleaty, Twitter: @arielleaty,

Bryan’s Instagram: @bryanlyang, Twitter: @bryanyang,

What’s Eating You? is presented in partnership with Listening Party inside Canal Street Radio. Follow the crew on Instagram @listeningpartypresents and @canalstreetmarket.

Cover art by Alex Ryu, Instagram: @mralexryu, Twitter: @mralexryu

Music by Nick Trautmann, Instagram: @thetrautinator, Twitter: @thetrautinator,