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Evolvement is a podcast hosted by Nye that revolves around Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, blockchain technology, and how these play a role in the current financial models and economic systems of the world.

In this episode, I sat down with Paul Walsh from Metacert to talk about crypto phishing scams and how users can best avoid them. Opening links from suspicious, and even trusted sources can involve malware that hijacks your hard-earned cryptos and even lock down your computer. We cover some simple steps that will keep you safer online and discuss how Metacert is building a service to stop scams before they ever reach your browser.

Learn more at

Thank you to Paul for his time. Thank you to our sponsors CasperLabs! And thank you to all our listeners! You guys help make this possible.


How did you get into Crypto?

What is Ransomware?

Retail phishing scam is the biggest risk to investors?
Best practices for Twitter, Telegram. What else should people be looking for?