In this episode, titled “Convenience of Digital Tools” the focus is based around a fictional digital tool we created to solve some issues within education. The idea was to see if the tool can help the teacher or student with some of the issues they experience with online education. The guests did not know that the tool created was fake, right up to the moment of being interviewed. Did this digital tool live up to their expectations?

Please join Monika, her co-host Joanna van der Merwe, Centre for Innovation’s Privacy Protection Lead and her guests Daan Romein, Team Leader Professional Development and Educational Innovation at Leiden University and Bastian Mielke, a second-year student of Global Public Health at Leiden University College (LUC).



Interfacultair centrum voor lerarenopleiding, onderwijsontwikkeling en nascholing van de Universiteit Leiden. (Dutch)

Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching (English)


Leiden University College (LUC)


Hosted on Acast. See for more information.