Rich Diviney is a retired Navy SEAL commander. In a career spanning more than twenty years, he completed more than thirteen overseas deployments—eleven of which were to Iraq and Afghanistan. 

As the officer in charge of training for a specialized command, Diviney spearheaded the creation of a directorate that fused physical, mental, and emotional disciplines. He led his small team to create the first ever “Mind Gym” that helped special operators train their brains to perform faster, longer, and better in all environments—especially high-stress ones. 

During his twenty years as a Navy SEAL, Commander Diviney was intimately involved in the world-renowned SEAL selection process, which whittles exceptional candidates down to a small selection of the most elite optimal performers. 

He was often surprised by which recruits washed out and which succeeded. Someone could have all the right skills and still fail, while recruits he might have initially dismissed would prove to be top performers. 

Through years of observation, Diviney learned to identify a successful recruit's core Attributes, the innate traits for how a person performs as an individual and as part of a team. That same methodology can be used by anyone in their personal or professional lives.

In his book, he details the key Attributes for success-- including cunning, adaptability, even narcissism--are defined in fresh and surprising ways, and Diviney shows how they can be applied to a team as readily as a person. 

Understanding your own attributes and those of the people around you can fast-track optimal performance in all areas of your life.

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