Just a few tips on discovery in the current climate...

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You are listening to Danny, on WHAT : DE HEK podcast. This is the place where I share my experience, knowledge and skills.

Good afternoon. Good evening, or Good morning. I'm Danny de Hek. As my introduction said, I just wanted to do a hate word just when you use just, it's not just I want to give you a podcast about change in the things that you kind of need to do in your business at the moment to be a strong player. So recording this on my YouTube channel so you can actually see me and I can talk to you, which is really cool. And I just wanted to show you some of the things that I've been working on lately that really have had a lot of change.

As many of you may know, I actually have a business networking company called elite six and I've been doing elite for about eight years, and I bought it as a franchise,

and I dissolved the franchise, and now I run all the meetings myself. And I'm like the connector guy that gets everyone together. And that's why I call myself a connector. So if you even need to know anyone, and you're looking for someone who does this on the guy that you can ring, and I will point you in the right direction.

So the unique point of difference with elite six is that we are not a referral network. We have got business networking in the back, we are a hub of like minded business people, they get together and really help each other in business. So a lot of people go to me I never get any business as such, well no one really buys my product or service when I come along to elite six. However, the information that they learn from ELITE : SIX and we offer people in the marketing is really a strength

It's like having a business community around you that really cares about your business. So that's what I do. So over lockdown with COVID-19, we were running up to 15 zoom meetings a week. And then we went down to about eight. And then this morning, we run about five zoom meetings. And we also run one face to face meeting. But a lot of the correspondence that goes on with my members throughout the week, via emails,

and also lots of catch up phone calls to see how people are going. So it's a really nice organisation. I'm really proud to say that it's what's mine. And also, I run it myself as I, and I've got some great people around me, which is awesome. So anyway, this morning, I ran a zoom meeting, and we normally have anywhere from eight to nine people. This morning, no one or one person loyal David Clarkson. He turned up, but that was it. And I thought, the timing really when things happen.

Like that, I thought to myself, it's a sign telling me things are listen to the podcast at podcast.dehek.com

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