Christabel Rose Reed is a yoga teacher, yoga therapist, and activist. She is on a mission to link inner transformation with social change and empower people to embark on the entwined journey of inner and outer healing.

In 2015, Christabel and her sister Ruby founded Advaya, the London-based system change initiative that organizes around the principles of radical regeneration and joyful revolution. Since then they have launched a media platform called EarthSpace and organized over 150 events including full-day immersions, panel discussions, retreats, pilgrimages, circles, and festivals.

Christabel addresses the question of “What Could Possibly Go Right?” with thoughts including:

That we need to engage more with our imaginations, to look beyond the false solutions that are being presented to us, and to “envisage the kind of future that we know deep down we want and that we know are possible.”That “our understanding of what our purpose is has been shifted, because so much of our stability has gone” and despite that, we could “harness this opportunity, this pause, in order to co-create futures that can truly thrive.”That online events can bring together more speakers and audiences across geographic limitations, giving "accessibility to new narratives and new stories."That despite their benefits, online events can sever the deeper human connection and community building that comes from meeting in-person.That we should avoid feeling overwhelmed by large scale in systemic change, instead focussing on our own small impacts we can make.That "cultivating the love within us, for each other and for this incredible life that we've been blessed with" can create a different world of creativity, fearlessness, compassion and joy.

- Regenerative Activism:
- EcoResolution:
- Guardians of the Forest course: 

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