Kathleen Dean Moore, Ph.D., is an Author, Moral Philosopher, Environmental Advocate. She served as Distinguished Professor of Environmental Philosophy at Oregon State University, where she wrote award-winning books about our cultural and moral relations to the wet, wild world and to one another. But her increasing concern about the climate and extinction crises led her to leave the university, so she could write and speak full-time about the moral urgency of climate action.

Kathleen shares thoughts on What Could Possibly Go Right?  including:

That “sometimes it feels like the whole world is burning to its foundations, but the foundations are still there, and they're holding a space for the future.”That “almost every major change in US history has been the result of a rising wave of moral affirmation,” of the “conscience of the streets”.That we need to remember our shared moral foundations, of the “human decency deep in the earth” and the ideals our nation aspires to.Using the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to call out the oil, gas and fracking industries for violations of human rights through contributing to climate change.The Blue River Declaration by an assembled group of philosophers, which asks “three fundamental questions... What is the world? What are human beings? And therefore, how shall we live?” That as human beings with imagination and understanding, “we have a responsibility to be the meaning makers of the universe.” 


Permanent Peoples' Tribunal Blue River Declaration Book: Moral Ground: Ethical Action for a Planet in Peril by Kathleen Dean MooreBook: Great Tide Rising: Toward Clarity and Moral Courage in a Time of Planetary Change by Kathleen Dean Moore

Connect with Kathleen Dean Moore
Website: riverwalking.com
Twitter: musicandclimateaction.com

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