In this episode, Danni goes back to her hometown university when she speaks to Dr. Omri Grinberg, who is a post doctoral researcher at the Minerva Center of the Rule of Law under Extreme Conditions at the University of Haifa – and also at the Truman Institute at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Omri is the first Anthropologist on the show and talks about starting in a different BA program than he originally wanted, moving to Toronto for the PhD, and provides tips on how to land a post doc position. He also explains how he deals with researching sensitive topics on Israel/Palestine and human rights, all over a hot drink while wearing an ‘ugly Christmas sweater’ that matches the one his daughter has.

Host: Danni Reches (@DanniReches)

Producer and Editor: Ido Rosenzweig (@IdoRosenzweig)

Omri on twitter: @OmriAnthro

The episode includes a trailer of Dear Grad Student podcast.

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