Please go to our website What Are Travis and Elaine Watching? for heaps of extra content!
We having a Blue Christmas... tree!!
Finally!  Our bright (and I mean bright) blue Christmas tree arrived, and as promised, here are a few pix of the blinding tree that we took while watching the Holiday Classic, Videodrome.
(pix on our website)

Says it all
We went into this doc with high expectations, especially Elaine (a huge Zappa), and for the most part, it did not disappoint. We (especially Elaine) had a few complaints, but mostly they were "fan" complaints, like wanting to hear more of her favorite songs. We have had some great conversations with other fans in our family who are also members of our Facebook group. We highly recommend you join us.
What Are Travis and Elaine Watching - Chat Group.

Bee Gees: Mend A Broken Heart
We went into this doc, now playing on HBO MAX, with no expectations. We were pleasantly surprised. We learned a lot. The most illuminating segment involved the Disco Sucks movement.  We were impressed and saddened, and inspired.

We're not the most traditional Holiday Movie watchers, as you can probably gather from our Videodrome tree trimming party.
This year we are going to recommend you add Smoke to your holiday viewing list. Not only is it a tremendously overlooked film by Wayne Wang in its own right, but it also ends with one of the best Christmas stories ever.  First, it's told by Auggie (Harvey Keitel) to Paul (William Hurt), then we see it recreated, no dialogue under the end credits while Innocent When You Dream written and performed by Tom Waits plays. 
The Beatles: Get Back, a documentary collaboration between the band and filmmaker Peter Jackson, went live on YouTube and Disney Plus on December 21! The film, originally scheduled for release in 2020, faced production delays caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Watch on our website.
Happy Holidays and Cya next year!