40 Years a Prisoner
This doc, directed by Tommy Oliver and available now on HBO Max.
It posts a celeb lineup of producers, including The Roots, Common, and John Legend.
40 Years a prisoner tells the sorry of the 1978 police raid on a peaceful group of hippies, mostly young, mostly African American, living in a house in the Powellton Village neighborhood of Philadelphia.

In 1978, Philadelphia's mayor and former police commissioner Frank Rizzo ran the city.
He tried to starve the group out of its home, preventing food and water from getting into the house using barricades.  He sent in more than 600 cops armed with automatic rifles, armored vehicles, and bulldozers when that failed. Still, the MOVE members refused to "move." They hid in their basement. In response, Rizzo and the PPD pumped 250,000 gallons of water and teargas into the Move house's basement. Ultimately bullets started flying, resulting in the death of police officer James Ramp.
Nine adult Move members were dragged out of the house– five men and four women. One, Delbert Africa was savagely beaten by a group of police, his jaw broken by the butt of a rifle. All nine were convicted and sentenced to 30 years to life.
Rizzo quotes:
“The police will be in there to drag them out by the backs of their necks. They are going to go either the easy or hard way, either standing up or lying down.”
“Get the death penalty back, put them in the electric chair, and I’ll pull the switch.”

But this doc isn't so much about Rizzo or the cops or what happened in 1978 (and the rest of the MOVE story.) This is the story of Mike Africa Jr and his parents Debbie and Mike Sr who were members of The Move Nine who were arrested during that raid on trumped-up charges and convicted before he was born.
Mike Jr was born in a jail cell and ow in his early 40's has never spent a moment with his parents outside of prison walls.
Also, on HBOMax, Let Them All Talk was not what we were expecting!  We feared it was going to be yet another movie about people of a "certain age," starring some of the greatest actors of their generation reduced to cute or quirky old folks on one last adventure.
We were pleasantly surprised by this story by directed by Steven Soderbergh and written by Deborah Eisenberg.
It boasts a top-notch cast led by Meryl Streep, Dianne Wiest, and Candice Bergen with a stand out performance by Lucas Hedges. The film also features one of our fav actors from Humans, Gemma Chan.
Listen to the show to hear more about this unique, quirky movie and how it was made.