Welcome to Wellthy Living conversations EP 59.

2020/21 has seen people spend more time in their homes than ever before. So in this episode, I chat with Cecilia Macaulay about creating calm, beautiful and usable spaces in the home, using a blend of permaculture design, zen living and Japanese culture - or in Cecilia's words - to live lightly and delightly.

Cecilia has 28 years of experience in permaculture design, 27 of which are in Japan. She worked on the design of a self-maintaining garden for Sir Richard Branson’s Caribbean island. She was engaged as a consultant for Taronga Zoo’s 10-year plan. Cecilia is the co-author 'Visual Language for Global Communication', together with the legendary user interface designer Aaron Marcus and has spoken at high-profile events such as Vivid Ideas Sydney.

In this episode, Cecilia starts by telling us what permaculture design is and then shares the lessons she gained from studying permaculture and how it can be applied to create home spaces that are both beautiful and usable.

She shares how her method is different from a modern-day declutter professional and how she takes the overwhelm out of the process.

I had Cecilia walk me through some of her quirky and practical tips for the kitchen, study and garden space. She also shared traps that we waste energy on so we can create an environment that provides motivation, direction and freedom.

Cecilia's practices are very aligned with my beliefs around the importance of self knowledge and working with our unique natural flow to design spaces in ways that feels good for each individual.

To connect with Cecilia:


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I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity, leadership and wellbeing coach, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.

Until next time remember connection is medicine