Welcome to Wellthy Living Conversation episode 68 with special guest Amy Loughren (the real nurse behind the Netflix movie 'The GoodNurse'.)

Amy worked for many years as an overloaded trauma/ICU/ER nurse but in 2003 her life path changed. In this very authentic, open conversation Amy shares her story of unknowingly befriending a serial killer - Charles Cullen in 2001 and her intense journey in helping detectives put him in jail. Amy generously took me through the deep layers of her personal quest in self-discovery this very unique experience took her on.

The conversation was deep and full of thought provoking insights. We talked about friendship, family, trauma, betrayal, denial, boundaries, compassion, accountability, aligning to values, a bigger purpose, breaking intergenerational healing, and more.

There were tangents and that uncovered lots of takeaways.

Normal people can do extraordinary things is one takeaway that Amy would like you to walk away with.

I hope you enjoy our conversation as much as we did. We would love your feedback- What’s your biggest insight or takeaway ...leave a comment and let us know.

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To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.

For info on Amy, follow her on Instagram - Amy the Good Nurse.

Until next time remember connection is medicine.