Welcome to Wellthy Living conversations episode 56.
I’m Lisa, your host and the founder of Wellthy Living.
It is here that I connect with a variety of people to have inspiring and insightful conversations to help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life both personally & professionally.

In this episode, the focus is on the workplace and how it is one of the key pillars of creating connection for many people.

In 2020 we saw a dramatic change in the way people work, with most being forced to work from home. In Australia, people are slowly coming back to the workplace and I’m wondering whether this last year has changed the future landscape of workplaces and spaces.

I chat with the founder and CEO of Australia’s largest privately-owned co-working operator, Hub Australia - Brad Krauskopf to delve into this topic and explore the impact that workspace has on connection, leadership and the overall wellbeing of a business and its people.

Brad is a national leader in the co-working space, founding Hub in 2011, with a vision to develop a national network of workspaces to help businesses and their teams love where they work.

In this conversation, we cover a lot, including:

-What a coworking space is, how the concept began, the workplace set up and who it currently caters for?

-Whether working from home poses a threat to personal wellbeing and organisational performance?

-The way forward for working arrangements - Hybrid work arrangements - Flexible workplace model

-The shift in the power balance between employer and employee and the impact of this

- A shift in leadership style

-A need for the revision of a company's mission, vision and values as times change

-The need for more personal development programs that focus on emotional intelligence as we see a change of working arrangements

-Collaborative personal growth and wellbeing programs in co-working spaces

-Gender equality and addressing the needs of women, especially mothers

-If working from anywhere allows for a greater diversity of staff

-The need to consider environmental impact and sustainability

- The importance of being an Employer of Choice to attract good talent

-Whether this new way of working affects the employee's connection to their companies mission, vision and values.

I hope you enjoy this jam-packed episode.


What’s your biggest insight or takeaway from today's conversation.

Leave a comment and let us know.

And if you’d like more info on Brad and the Hub Australia : https://www.hubaustralia.com/

If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please give it a like, write a comment and share it with your friends. Also subscribe to the Wellthy Living podcast on iTunes, Spotify and the Wellthy Living youtube channel, so you can listen to more conversations with wonderful humans whose stories, knowledge, actionable ideas and wisdom can help you to live a meaningful, connected and well life, both personally and professionally.

I’m Lisa, I’m an integrated life, clarity and wellbeing coach, and a professional conversation facilitator.

To find out more about my services you can visit my website www.wellthyliving.com.au or connect with me on all social media channels.

Until next time remember connection is medicine