Health and wellness coaches are the backbone of functional medicine!

We all know that just having a prescription or treatment plan does not necessarily mean you will consider the cause of your symptoms. It will also not force you to make any changes necessary to improve your overall wellness. 

In this podcast, Dr. Daniela Steyn talks with Cecilia Lanier, A professional Teacher and Health Coach with the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy. Cecilia explains what a health coach does and why we all need one. 

Health coaches are specialists in behaviour change. They help people change when change is hard. Coaching is a partnership between experts. Coaches’ expertise is in behaviour change, and they believe the clients are experts in themselves and their own experience. The relationship is formed within an atmosphere of compassion, unconditional acceptance, and empowerment. The sessions are client-led and coach-supported.

Health coaching is, however, not for everyone as:

Sometimes people aren’t ready to change in one area, so coaches support them wherever they are on this readiness spectrum. Some people are just thinking about it, sitting on the fence. Others might resist change and may only seek a coach because it’s been suggested by a doctor or a friend or loved one.Others know they need to change, are sure they want to change, and yet are discouraged because they have tried so many times and cannot succeed or sustain the change. So, they remain stuck.Or maybe they don’t know how to start the change or how to maintain it. It’s one thing to get a food plan or a directive for eliminating stress, but those plans, or directions don’t work if we don’t work them.

People seek coaches for many reasons, but burnout is one of the main reasons. Health and wellness coaches primarily meet people whose challenges are in one or more of these five areas:

Food/nutritionMovement/exerciseSleep/rest, Stress managementRelationships 

However, coaches will also address a person’s emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual realities as it’s hard to separate the person into parts. A holistic view of the person is the best approach.

Listen to our podcast today to learn how Cecilia went through burnout and got her life back on track by implementing all the strategies she teaches as a health and wellness coach. 

*Legal Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for educational purposes only. For your medical advice, please get in touch with your own Health Care provider. Never ignore medical advice because of something you have heard on this podcast.

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Recover from Burnout today!

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Family Physician and Wellness Expert Dr. Daniela Steyn have meaningful conversations that will take your health to the next level.
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