Wellness Warriors Radio is your go-to resource for open and candid conversation about the nuances of health and wellness. In each episode discover a unique perspective on living optimally.  Join us to discuss a wide-range of health topics – sometimes controversial, sometimes with opposing views – setting the stage for you to decide what works best for YOU.


This week, Michal interviews Megan Ramos, program director and cofounder of the Intensive Dietary Management (IDM) Program in Toronto, Canada. A clinical researcher by trade, her passions lie in the field of preventative medicine and she is well known for her work with intermittent fasting.  When Ramos herself was diagnosed with diabetes, she sought help from Dr. Jason Fung, beginning them on the path that created the program as what it is today.

In this episode, Michal and Megan discuss…

Megan’s journey down a path of being ‘skinny-fat’, and then ultimate weight gain that led to diabetes. Her work with Dr. Fung in attempts to mediate her diabetes through the methods of fasting. Her work with IDM and developing the program for others in the Toronto area and beyond Some of the specifics, and controversies, associated with intermittent fasting.


Mentioned in this Episode:



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Connect with Beth:

Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching




Connect with Michal:

Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness

