I’m going to annoy you right now and call BS ... You are not addicted to sugar

Seriously. Do you get high off of eating bananas ... apples ... honey ... pineapple?

Are you breaking into cars for change for donuts?

"Hey, but Coach Jon ... some guy told me that sugar lights up the brain like cocaine!"

Yeah, so does music ... and hugs ... but trying to compare a hit of sugar ... to a hit of cocaine ...

It’s like trying to compare getting squirted with a water gun ... and getting hit with a tsumani ...

They’re NOT the same thing

So why do you say things like “I’m addicted to sugar”?

Because ... the word addiction gets you sympathy

It gives you an out ... an excuse ... It makes you a victim ...

It says “I’m powerless to change this situation ... I just can’t help it” 


PS When you're ready, here's 5 ways I can help you. 


If you’re genuinely ready to find practical strategies to be living an AWESOME life, there's never a better time than now. Later never comes. Neither does the perfect time. 

1. Sign Up for my Free 7-Day Fat Loss Challenge


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4. Apply to join my "No F'N Diets" VIP Fat Loss Program: Highway to Awesome


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