Wellness is not just important in the workplace, but also now a required element in decision making for planning meetings.   In this week's episode, Dr. Romie interviews two dynamic global female leaders in the hospitality and meetings industry. Ashly Balding is the Chief Strategy Officer for Associated Luxury Hotels International.  Catherine Chaulet is the president and CEO of Global DMC Partners. Ashly and Catherine break down their personal wellness routines as mothers and executives. You will also hear top trends for bringing wellness into meetings- including nutrition, movement, and the importance of pause.  

Show Notes:

[05:56] Ashly's secret to wellness is that she is passionate about wellness because it promotes compassion.  [07:24] Catherine believes that wellness is critical, because life is short and we need to enjoy every day.  [08:06] We can help bring work life balance by integrating wellness on teams. It's appreciating life on a much deeper level.  [08:56] Dance has been a passion for Catherine. She allows 2 1/2 hours a week for dance. She also takes time for self like baths. She also gives her team undisturbed time off. [10:48] It's physical and mental for Ashly. She does yoga and takes time to breathe. She also meditates and takes part in a digital detox. Her and her children incorporate gratefulness and what makes them happy.  [12:47] Perfection needs to be thrown out the window when you have kids.  [13:24] Authenticity is sexy.  [14:38] Catherine is removing herself from social media to spend important time with her family.  [16:22] Ashly shares an aha moment she had where she was walked through a meditation as the future of the CEO.  [17:43] There is no other option for corporations than to incorporate wellness into their agendas to attract and retain talent. [20:05] People's minds drift after 30 minutes. Think about speaking formats and the time frame. Give people time to relax and recharge. [22:47] Wellness components that Ashly has incorporated include a puppy breakout session, cellphone baskets, and walking breakouts.  [25:10] Comfort in the room matters. Have chairs and couches. Have activities where there is no sound and appreciate natural sounds of nature. Drop the amount of sessions and focus on the three main messages. Don't exhaust people.  [27:37] Hygge is the Danish concept of comfort. This trend can be incorporated at every level.  [29:11] Food labeling is important. Have electrolyte drops on the table or do a vegan breakout. Smoothie bars are great options too.  [32:15] Junk food isn't acceptable anymore. Having presentations by dietitians are also a great wellness step for meetings.  [34:19] Ashly takes a pause by taking time to meditate and breathe and set her intention before she walks into the door with her family after a hard day's work. [35:45] Catherine can't take a pause everyday. When she does, she shuts the door and removes sounds and blue lights and just breathes. 

Links and Resources:

Global DMC Partners  Associated Luxury Hotels International