Welcome to Wellness & Wonder, a podcast that explores all things from holistic health to modern spirituality.  My name is Lauryn; I’m a blogger, soon-to-be health coach, and a student of the Universe.  I seek to empower you with the tools to figure out exactly what you need to thrive.  If you’re looking to live your healthiest, happiest life, you’re in the right spot!

In this episode, I...
- Introduce the person behind the voice (me!)
- Provide some background about who I am and why I'm here
- Explain some of the concepts you can expect to hear from this podcast

Follow me along on Instagram @Lauryns.Lifestyle or online at www.laurynslifestyle.com - and thank you so much for listening!

Music: "Upbeat" by Jon Luc Hefferman
From Free Music Archive