Welcome to the Wellbeing and Career World Podcast, I am delighted to be chatting with Certified Nutrition Coach & Weight Loss Expert on a mission to help as many people as possible lose 5-50 pounds for the LAST time through sustainable habit changes + mindset shifts.
Unlike diets, apps, and programs that suck the joy out of life, Brooke will help people make simple, gradual tweaks to their nutrition, lifestyle, and outlook so they can drop those pesky pounds for good without giving up carbs, counting every calorie, eating “clean” 24/7, or other un-fun extremes.

Today we will be chatting about sustainable habits of weight loss
A very warm Welcome to the podcast Brooke Simonson.

Brooke Chats about her Background and gives her opinion to the following questions, What Is meant by a healthy diet, What are the first steps to weight loss, What if you fall off the diet trail and have craving,  how is it best to manage cravings, Can you explain the 3A approach,  What foods are known to keep us feeling fuller for longer, Is hydration important during Weight loss programs,  What services do you provide, What can listeners expect from your website the health
investment,  Where else can Listeners get in contact with you on social media and a lot more is discussed throughout.


 Website: https://thehealthinvestment.com/about/

Podcast: https://thehealthinvestment.com/thi-podcast/

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/thehealthinvestment/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thehealthinvestment/


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Wellbeing and Career World is based in Dublin, Ireland.

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