Wellbeing and Career World Podcast host David chatted with Commercial Airline Pilot and Founder of the Cockpit Method Paul Green.

Paul chats about his background, What it is like in his opinion to be an Airline Pilot, The best part of being of being an Airline Pilot and the Least favourite part, How he coped with being made redundant from his Airline Job,  What is Wellbeing ,  Advice to those who maybe struggling at this time with Wellbeing concerns, Paul shares his opinion on the topic of do we focus too much on Career and not enough on our own Wellbeing, How is it possible to manage family life, work life balance, Is it important to have a back up Career or Plan B considering the impact on Covid with Aviation, Hospitality, Tourism, Music industry(Many More have been Impacted), Paul chats about his company the " The Cockpit Method" and the Global services he provides to Organizations and Individuals. There is a lot more covered in this podcast and these are the opinions of the Host and Guest Paul Green.

Please feel free to contact the Wellbeing and Career world Podcast at [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to discuss this topic or any other podcast topics further.


Contact Paul Green














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