"Welcome to the Wellbeing and Career World Podcast, I am delighted to be chatting with Herbalist, Energy Medicine Educator and Trauma-Informed Breathwork Facilitator with a mission is to educate and empower others to be their own best healers by reconnecting with the innate intelligence of their body along with Mother Nature. Reminding others that they get to choose what is best for them. My approach is a mind-body-spirit one which uses the “power of the plants”, mindfulness and breathwork to assist in reconnecting you back to your body.
On today's podcast we will be chatting about Autoimmune disease
A warm welcome to the podcast AMY STEIN


Amy answers some of the questions asked below during the podcast or answers questions as part of the conversation.


 I gave a brief introduction about your background, Can you let our
listeners know more about your background? Amy in your own opinion what is Autoimmune Disease? When did you start experiencing Health Issues Related to AI? What symptoms did you experience? Did you have any family history of AI? What about the cost involved to find out you had AI? Did you ever get frustrated with not knowing why you were feeling unwell? What steps did you take in trying to heal yourself outside of Medicine?  How are you now? What services do you provide and how can people get in contact?


Contact Amy:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/381761643253110

Website: https://amyann1018.wixsite.com/mind-body-spirit-bre

Bio: https://amyann1018-4530a.gr8.com/preview?h=SNLTmADWdbs77b0GQ0_G6oSPb4AL60dFbPAvR_mAiDQ=&v=0

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVUz_4LdQD1ws-A-vBtVS3A


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Wellbeing and Career World is based in Dublin, Ireland.

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