Immunity is a hot topic right now. But my belief is that it always should be. If we are proactive about building and strengthening our immune systems year-round, then we won't have to be quite as concerned when they are threatened. Practicing good hygiene is a sound strategy for warding off infections, but it is impossible to ensure that we never come in contact with pathogens. So the best strategy is a strong defense. Then, when our bodies do pick up pathogens (whether it's during cold & flu season, or a global pandemic, or just some bad food that you ate), we are better equipped to fight them off. 

The reality when it comes to COVID-19 is that many of us actually will get the virus. The work we are doing to "flatten the curve" is simply spreading out the timeline of when everyone gets it (which is EXTREMELY necessary in order to prevent our medical system and hospitals from getting overloaded with too many patients at once). So the best thing we can be doing is taking simple daily action steps to build a stronger immune system that will allow our body to fight the infection when it does come. And the same goes for colds, flus, bacterial infections, and other pathogens we might encounter throughout our lives. 

This episode digs into some simple holistic strategies you can take for keeping your immune system strong. It is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice/guidance, but simple a compliment to it. Always talk to your doctor if you are feeling sick and make sure to get the treatments you need. 

Learn more about holistic health on my website at, and follow me on Instagram @megansherer for daily tips.