After a full year off while I navigated the rough waters of chronic Lyme disease and various other challenges, I am so excited to be back and more aligned than ever for season 3 of Well, Then. This is truly a new era for this podcast and for my life, as I continue to step into my power and become more clear on what is important for me to share.

This season you will be hearing a LOT about love. And that is because the majority of my work is focused on love. Self love, relationships, lack of love, creating more love...this is the work that I am most passionate about and so blessed to get to do with my clients and in my businesses. So I am finally bringing that work here to share with all of you!

Thank you so much for listening to this podcast and being apart of my community. It truly makes me so happy to connect with all of you. 

Stay in touch:

IG: @megansherer

TikTok: @healwithmegs