In this month's solo episode, Holly is talking about how healthism is yet another way our culture has found to 'other,' oppress and stigmatize fatness. We talk about why health isn't something you morally need to work towards, and how this pursuit is harming more people than it is doing good. 

At the end of the day I want you to start questioning your own reasons for pursuing health and wellness, and ask yourself whether or not it's something you really want to spend your time and energy on. And if it IS, get clear about why. I also want you to start to be way more conscious about the "health" and weight messages you're putting out into the universe, so that we can stop this perpetuation of unrealistic beauty, health and body standards.

Resources mentioned:

Download "Defining your version of health" cheat sheet from the vault

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Read this rad article on EverydayFeminism

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