Self-love. Self-care. 


We see the terms and inspiration videos everywhere (which I love!), but there’s more to it than face masks & bubble baths! So, how can you love & nourish yourself on a regular basis rather than one & done? What is it you’re needing to feel fully seen & fully held, continually? 


Today’s episode is juicy & so, so necessary. I’m looking at how to cultivate a relationship to self so YOU can take that self-love & self-care to a whole new level. We’re bringing the sexy back to inner work & body work because it IS fucking exciting when you can hold yourself through the good and the bad, when you can rock it out & be a good human, and when you can show up in relationships from a place of love WHILE also fully taking care of yourself & owning who you are. It’s possible & you’re fully capable of it! I’m here to help, so let’s get into it! 


I’m exploring: 

How self-care turns to shame when results aren’t quick or predictable 

Self-love as a muscle & why it’s ever-changing & never really “done”

My journey with body love, vulnerability & openness  

How to cultivate a loving relationship with your body

The different sexuality seasons we ALL experience over time & how to embrace each one

Mini-exercises so you can check in, reframe, & bring awe into the conversation with self

Plus much more!

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