If you sign a moose up for a ceramics class, she’s gonna want to start an entire pottery business, which is exactly how our guest Jami ended up with an industrial-sized kiln in her basement. 


In Part 2 Jami is taking over Hobby Collectors to tell us about her journey down the ceramics rabbit hole, how the artform helped her move through grief, some ways to get started with clay, and why it’s (mostly) a good hobby for ADHDers. 


We’re also revealing who we are now, getting into some of Jami’s many Quirks, sharing Things We Really Want to Learn How to Do but Will Probably Never Make the Time to Do (but maybe!), and chomping down on a juicy Pizza Secret with a side of schadenfreude for the little guy.



Jami’s website: Ferny Ceramics

Jami’s Instagram: @fernyceramics


To keep this horse train running (but this isn’t a threat): ko-fi.com/weirdsofafeather

Find us on Instagram: @weirdsofafeather 

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