Calling all knuck suckers, finger gnawers, and frickin’ Michael Jackson twirlers: today’s the day we proudly stand united, for we have kept our strange stims hidden under a bushel for far too long and it's time we let those babies shine, social consequences be damned. 


In this wacky Segs Only: Autism Edition episode we’re spending Hobby Collectors looking at the differences between ADHD hyperfixations and ASD special interests and sharing how they each play out in our lives.


We’re also officially rejecting hard pant culture in I’m So Quirky, struggling to flirt in Pizza Secrets, and overthinking a public twirl in a bonus Secret that will have you cringe-laughing along in socially anxious solidarity. 


Special interests and subjective wellbeing in autistic adults - PubMed (

SPARK for Autism | Special Interests in Autism


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