Previous Episode: Golden Girls Gone Wild
Next Episode: We're So Vain

After about 5 minutes of consideration, we've decided that any diet can be absolute garbage.

Hey there, Weirdos! For this episode, we foolishly decided to tackle diet culture in our society. And by diet, we mean restricting or controlling the types of foods you eat, including how much of those foods you eat, in order to lose weight, or to maintain your body weight. It surprises no one to learn that women are often the targets, for better or worse, of this crazy system. In doing the research for this episode, we couldn't even remember all of the diet fads that have made a splash in the media over the past several years. Do you remember the cookie diet? It was interesting to us to learn that only 5 diets have some science backing them up. Low-Carb, Paleo, Mediterranean, Gluten Free and Vegetarian diets were the winners.


After about 5 minutes of consideration, we've decided that ANY diet can be absolute garbage. Being the Weird Humans that we are, we can use these guidelines to justify eating food that is ultimately unhealthy for our bodies. For example, both of us are following Gluten Free diets, but with the plethora of GF baked goods now available, the GF junk food list gets longer and longer. We also decided that Veganism may be a socially acceptable eating disorder. A not-so-fun fact, 80% of people who lose 10% or more of their body mass will likely regain that amount and more within 2 years of the initial weight loss. Bummer. Feeling hangry yet? Yeah, us too. Now, go watch yourselves some "Dietland" on Hulu.

A dark comedy unveiling one woman's journey to self discovery

The good news is this - these Weird Human bodies are amazing and resilient. Knowledge is powerful, and while there may not be 12-step programs to rehabilitate the Vegans among us, we can make better choices. If your food comes in a bag, a box, or a can then just know that you're eating a laboratory manufactured food-like product. YUM!

Take a listen to Unladylike - this episodes podcast we wish we'd made. Stay curious Weirdos, and we'll be back with another episode soon.