Previous Episode: Wine & Tater Tots

This week's episode took us on a journey of self reflection . . . okay, who are we kidding? We're Weird Humans and naturally, we're just as concerned about our appearance and likelihood of age related memory decline as the rest of you. It's no big secret that our society is youth-obsessed, and we (especially as women) are inundated with messages that we had better be paying attention to our looks. And that we'd better be ready to drop some serious cash for lotions, potions, creams, Botox injections and eventually plastic surgery to keep up the ruse that we're going to be young forever.

Elle just celebrated a big birthday, and will be continuing the party for as long as she can get away with it. In her honor, we've decided to rename her birthday month "Elle-tember". Sure, we should have released this episode in that month. But, seriously, we're typically late to any party, so why should this one be any different? And she may or may not be wearing the same outfit . . .


Leaf blowers are a perfect analogy for what's wrong with our society. They take a problem from over here, and just blow it over there. They don't really solve anything! The fact that we both own leaf blowers, just means we're part of the problem. We're also annoyed by the 24 hour news cycle, the NextDoor app, and digital calendars. Amy Poehler had it right in her book "Yes, Please!" The robots may eventually kill us, but until then they will just make us miss appointments.

In our research for this episode, Candace got some much desired Botox injections and binged some "Community".

Watch "Community" on Netflix

Thanks so much for listening, Weirdos. We'll be back in 2 weeks . . .