Have you ever felt like no matter what you try for weight loss, you just keep falling off the wagon? I get it. I'm here for you. My name is Dara Tomasson and this is episode 147, "Love Yourself in Weight Loss and Falling Off the Bandwagon Again." We often talk about falling off the diet wagon, and today we’re going to discuss all the wagons you’ve been on, the ones you’ve fallen off, and how to stop doing that to create lasting success.


In this episode, Dara explains the origin of the term "bandwagon" and explores why we fall off various weight loss plans. She emphasizes the importance of creating your own path to success rather than relying on external diets. Dara shares personal stories and practical tips on how to address the root causes of weight gain, focusing on emotional self-awareness and self-love. She also reviews popular diets and encourages listeners to reflect on what worked and what didn’t, to build a personalized and sustainable weight loss journey.


What you will learn in this episode:

The significance of building your own wagon for weight loss success.

How to integrate elements from past diets that worked for you into a personalized plan.

Strategies for practicing self-love and addressing emotional triggers that impact weight loss.


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