Today we’re chatting with Dr. Megan Garlapow, about her life working in genetics, getting her PhD, and finding Crossfit.

Dr. Garlapow fell in love with genetics in 8th grade and realized she wanted to continue on that track in her life.

Dr. Garlapow earned a PhD in genetics from North Carolina State University, using quantitative genetics approaches to examine the regulation of feeding. In her postdoctoral research at Arizona State University, Dr. Garlapow examined the environmental and genetic factors affecting body weight.

Unfortunately, what had started as a subtle seed of discontent in academia a year before bloomed into a dislike for remaining in the academic track. So she started speaking to EVERYONE and anyone about what they did for work, how they got into it, whether they liked it. She was taking her daughter to a soccer class near her home one night, and one of the moms said, “I have a neighbor who has a PhD in something science-y, is a mom, and used to be a bike racer. I’ll introduce you.” So Dr. Garlapow got coffee with this other woman who was (and still is) an established freelance medical writer. That coffee changed her life and she built her own business as a medical writer.

Dr. Garlapow was always sporty - she raced bikes for a while before turning to Crossfit. We’re chatting with her about all of her amazing work in the medical field and turning to her own health and strength!To learn more about Megan and all of our Weekly Women, visit