Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 5 Texts 69-70

yat sadā sarvathā śuddha-
tasmin satya-pratijñe san-
mitra-varye mahā-prabhau

viśvastasya dṛḍhaṁ sākṣāt
prāptāt tasmān mama priyam
na para-brahmaṇaḥ param

No one is dearer to me than the Supreme Brahman, Kṛṣṇa, with His all-enchanting beautiful form. He has given Himself to me, who have complete faith in Him. He is the reservoir of pure unconditional mercy, the upholder of His word, the best of well-wishing friends, the omnipotent Lord of all.

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 5 Texts 69-70

yat sadā sarvathā śuddha-


tasmin satya-pratijñe san-

mitra-varye mahā-prabhau

viśvastasya dṛḍhaṁ sākṣāt

prāptāt tasmān mama priyam


na para-brahmaṇaḥ param


No one is dearer to me than the Supreme Brahman, Kṛṣṇa, with His all-enchanting beautiful form. He has given Himself to me, who have complete faith in Him. He is the reservoir of pure unconditional mercy, the upholder of His word, the best of well-wishing friends, the omnipotent Lord of all.