Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 5 Text 30

śrī-parīkṣid uvāca
iti pragāyan rasanāṁ munir nijām
aśikṣayan mādhava-kīrti-lampaṭām
aho pravṛttāsi mahattva-varṇane
prabhor apīti sva-radair vidaśya tām

Śrī Parīkṣit said: While singing enthusiastically in this way, the sage instructed his own tongue, which was greedy to chant the glories of Lord Mādhava, “Oh, you are too busy talking about the greatness of our master!” To stop that tongue, he then seized it with his teeth.

Bṛhad-bhāgavatāmṛta Part 1 Chapter 5 Text 30

śrī-parīkṣid uvāca

iti pragāyan rasanāṁ munir nijām

aśikṣayan mādhava-kīrti-lampaṭām

aho pravṛttāsi mahattva-varṇane

prabhor apīti sva-radair vidaśya tām


Śrī Parīkṣit said: While singing enthusiastically in this way, the sage instructed his own tongue, which was greedy to chant the glories of Lord Mādhava, “Oh, you are too busy talking about the greatness of our master!” To stop that tongue, he then seized it with his teeth.