Step 4: Macro and Micro Budget

Let’s talk about budgeting, you may or may not have a macro budget or an overall budget yet. If you
have a set amount of money to work with then that is your macro budget. If you do not and you’re open
to range you will need to work that range down or up depending on what you want prior to starting
your buying process. So, in other words you need to figure out your budget range is going to be
A Note about Budgets: I rarely RARELY meet a Bride who starts and stays on Budget. It is hard as
most Brides have never bought all of the wedding “stuff” before. There is great reasoning for the price
that vendors charge; Experience, Service, Quality have nothing to do with price. Quality Wedding
Vendors , Experienced Wedding Vendors, and Wedding Vendors who provide top-notch service are
worth their weight in Gold on your wedding day.
Prior to starting the buying process, because you don’t want to come back and have that budget
range affected by a bad decision that doesn’t fit in with your budget. This is important to do prior to
your buying process. In the 7 step process the buying process or execution of your plan is step 6, almost
the last thing for you to do. You will be buying with more emotion, and lets face it 99% of wedding
services and products are emotional purchases, or purchases you buy more in emotion rather than
need, and will over spend your limit