Let’s talk about the recipe for your perfect wedding, and when you get right down to it - it’s pretty simple.

I’ve been guiding engaged couples to planning their dream weddings for 10 years now, and here’s something I hear way too often: 

“We’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed about all the little things, and losing sight of the big picture.” 

Couples who plan every single last painstaking detail, only to realize that they haven’t even thought about the marriage ceremony itself, or who haven’t had one single NON-WEDDING related conversation with their partner in the past 6 months.

I know firsthand how easy to get swept up in feeling like everything on your wedding day has to be PERFECT - the wedding industry has been sending the message that your wedding is the “most important day of your life” for decades. 

Well, here’s a little secret - no doubt, your wedding day is exceptionally special, and a day you will cherish for the rest of your life … but you’ll likely have many more “best day ever's” in your future, and spending unnecessary time and stress over perfecting all the little things, while failing to focus on that WHY of your relationship and marriage -

is quite simply a recipe for disaster.

I know I’ve learned a lot about myself over the past couple of months (if you’re listening in real time, we’re on about week 8 of stay-at-home orders related to the corona virus pandemic.)

I’ve also been put on the spot and challenged to strip my life down to the basics. 

I know this doesn’t necessarily apply to our hero essential workers who are on the front lines in our hospitals and stores, and delivering supplies to keep everyone’s fridge full, bills paid, and packages arriving - I cannot thank you enough for what you’ve sacrificed over these past few weeks - your service to the community at large is priceless and so appreciated.

For those of us who are NOT essential workers, the calendar was abruptly wiped clean, and we were suddenly left with the all holy grail of TIME.  When you’re not rushing around all day every day with “normal” activities, there’s lots of time to think about what really matters, something I know I’ve been doing a lot of lately.

If you’ve been a long-time listener of the show, then you’re very familiar my minimalist philosophy of approaching your wedding plans.  In other words, prioritizing and identifying what’s very most important to you, and letting the rest go.  This is my timeless way of guiding couples through their wedding plans, but it feels exceptionally appropriate given our current circumstances.

Lots of couples get overly anxious about all the little things throughout their engagement and lose sight of the BIG PICTURE.  You default to thinking that every single little thing needs to be perfect, and spend unnecessary time & stress over things that simply don’t matter. 

You forget and / or lose sight of the WHY of your relationship, which is the WHY of the entire wedding! 

Instead of stressing out over favors and cakes and color swatches, we need to take a deep breath and re-center our focus on celebrating your marriage - I do.  2 lives becoming one.  That’s it.

If you’ve had to postpone or reschedule your wedding in these past couple of months, then you know exactly how quickly all the little things lose meaning - all those months of stressing over this and that detail, and then you’re hit with the crushing truth that your entire wedding has been cancelled.  Maybe you went ahead and made your marriage official, and plan to celebrate later, or maybe you put everything on hold for another year.  Maybe your wedding is in May of 2021 and none of this applies.  Regardless - if you have had to postpone, cancel, reschedule -

If only we could rewind just 3 months, what you would give to be able to simply have your loved ones all in one place to witness your marriage, and then to celebrate with good food and drinks.  mmmmmm, that sounds SO GOOD right now!

So here we are - what are the essential ingredients of your perfect wedding?

Tune in for much more, including a Q&A in the second half of the show!

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