The cost of food & drinks can be a huge source of frustration when planning your wedding.  I can’t tell you how many messages I get from couples who are utterly horrified by the per person fee for dinner & drinks - and rightfully so! 

Today we’re going to explore setting up your own appetizer spread, and I think you’ll be blown away by the savings.  Stay tuned for my detailed roadmap to menu planning, shopping, and setting it all up.

We'll review how much to buy, where to shop, and what you can expect the total price tag to be for TWO different sample menu options.

Even if you are using a more traditional caterer for the main meal, doing your own appetizer spread is a wonderful way to customize the offering, UP the quality, AND save a ton of money. 

Not allowed to bring outside food into your venue?  This process for setting up a beautiful appetizer spread is also perfect for your bridal shower, rehearsal dinner, or any other party you host in the future.  Bookmark it, and share it with a friend who's helping you plan!

Enjoy the full blog post:

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