Your wedding questions, answered!  Today we’re reviewing affordable wedding decoration ideas, juggling an invitation “B” List, managing guests’ dietary concerns, and more of your wonderful questions.

To get in on future Q&A’s, follow @weddingplanningpodcast on IG and shoot me a DM with what’s on your mind!  And please don’t be shy … I have an open door, I love to hear from you, and I promise to keep it anonymous if sharing on-air ;)


• My fave tissue paper supplier

Pinterest board full of inexpensive wedding decor ideas

And of course, a very special thank you to today’s show sponsors:

Enjoy all the fun & memories of a photo booth for a fraction of the price!  Details at Booth by Mail, & save 10% with promo code “WPP".

Would you LOVE to take advantage of FREE honeymoon planning services for your all-inclusive, cruise, or exotic honeymoon AND get $50 off when you book?  Simply email [email protected] to get started!

Train your loved one to deliver your ceremony like a pro with the Unboring Officiant training package!  Listeners enjoy 50% off when you visit

ON-DEMAND wedding planning services anytime, anywhere?  Yes, please!  To sign up for what one VAULT members calls “a breath of fresh air in the wedding industry” simply visit