第68回目のテーマは「Frankenstein's Monster | 25 words」 Halloween Special Edition. 今日のジェネレーターはフランケンシュタインの怪物です。The words from this lesson [ficticious character, novel, actually, these days, refer to as, to explain, film adaptation, body parts of corpses, to sew, a bolt of lightning, hideously ugly, to flee, harsh encounter, to become afraid, to become lonely, to fail, turn to revenge, several, confrontation, a right, the plot thickens, loosely based on, movie goers, creature's appearance, iconic image] Happy Halloween! If you have any questions, please contact John Daub ジョン ドーブ at Weblishメディア英会話. Video time: 9:10 http://weblish.co.jp VG_Frankenstein.mp4