A lot of pet indsutry business owners, pet influencers and content creators tell me they have an email list but they don't know what to send. Or maybe they haven't emailed their list of pet lovers in a long time and it's feeling a little awkward now.

In this short episode, I share 3 email ideas that you can write and send in less than 20 minutes. Promise me you'll do this before June is over!

3 emails you can send your pet industry list:

1) Sorry I've been MIA, here's what's new. Ask subscribers to reply and tell you whats new with them.

2) Re-use an email from your welcome sequence! I recently sent email #3 from mine and it performed really well. Don't have a welcome email sequence set up? I can do it for you with my new service, Leash Up Your Email Marketing. 

3) Use voice to text to answer a question like, "What is something you recently saw someone doing with their pet that you couldn't believe they didn't know better?" I'm sure you have a response to that! Speak it into your phone and voila... email newsletter! Thank you to Sara Gillis for sharing this great copywriting hack on Episode 320. 

For more support, accountability and personalized advice on how to grow your pet business online, join Wear Wag Repeat Society. That's the most affordable way to work with me and membership is open right now for Q3. Join us: wearwagrepeat.com/society