In today’s episode, I’ll be discussing the 7 struggles that keep women law firm owners from successfully growing their law firm businesses. I was able to pinpoint these 7 based on conversations I’ve had over the last decade with 100s of you.
Listen in as I share:

What you absolutely MUST understand if you want to understand how long it’s going to take to reach you law firm growth goalsHow being embarrassed about what you don’t know is holding you backWhy you may still suck at delegating—even when you have teamWhy you don’t have a “time management” problem, even though you think you doWhy you must “risk it for the biscuit”The reason you may be making wrong decisions that are slowing down your growthWhy well-meaning loved ones may be keeping you broke

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The Wealthy Woman Lawyer® Podcast is sponsored by Wealthy Woman Lawyer, LLC, a law firm growth strategy and business coaching company for women law firm owner who are determined to scale their law firm businesses to and thru $1M with total ease. For more information on how to work with us to help you and your law firm, visit our website at


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