“Stupid. Just stupid!”

That’s what Jeff Bishop has to say about these markets.

And yet he continues to profit in them.

There’s no point in fighting it and no matter what his economics and market data say the markets should be doing, the trend is doing something else, “So why fight it?” he adds.

Markets almost always go up, even after sharp dips like in March this year. At the moment it must be brutal being a short seller and fighting the (current) trend in the markets.

Because as we say, the trend is your friend.  If you stick with the trend and worry less about market levels and whether they “should” be there you’ll be a happier trader.

Jeff shared;

Why he’s scaling into longer term positions and getting the right priceHow he uses covered calls as part of his trading strategy and why selling call options on stocks he already own is such a savvy (“a complete no brainer”) techniqueHow to get “paid by the market” and use protective puts as a relatively low risk strategy. “Use it to pick the price you want to own a stock at,” says Jeff.How to be nimble and adapt as a trader

Jeff also shares what he considers the biggest pitfall of trading!

Jeff’s using his money to continue to make money even when waiting for stocks to come to where he wants to buy them!